Work Culture
Company culture can be defined as a set of shared values, goals, attitudes and practices that characterize an organization. These are the values we believe in.

Work Culture & Social Practices
The company has nurtured the culture of innovation and participation. The employees and owners start the day with exercise, prayer and positive news sharing. Since the group is involved in developing import substitute products and is exporting globally to more than 28 countries, the meaning of impossible at Siddhi is - I M Possible.
For participation in the management process at Siddhi every six month, Management Review Meetings are organized. Also, at the same interval, Workers Management Review Meetings are also organized, making presentation about the objective, target achievement, complaints, the solutions to complaints, infrastructure requirements and such other things. At Siddhi, knowledge sharing is part of daily culture. The group is also building book library in every Siddhi family by distribution of knowledge based books every month.